For Students from Partner Universities/協定留学生向け
This page is intended for incoming international students from our partner universities.
If you have been nominated by your home university, please follow the instructions below to prepare for application to Doshisha University.
Dual-Degree Program/ダブル・ディグリープログラム
Before Your Arrival in Japan/来日・授業開始前
Spring Entry 春来日 |
Events イベント |
Fall Entry 秋来日 |
By August 31 8月31日までに |
By November 30 11月30日までに |
September 30 9月30日 |
January 10 1月10日 |
Early November 11月上旬 |
Late February 2月下旬 |
N/A |
Mid-March 3月中旬 |
December 12月 |
June 6月 |
February 2月 |
July 7月 |
Early March 3月上旬 |
Late August 8月下旬 |
Mid-March 3月中旬 |
Mid-September 9月中旬 |
Late March to Early April 3月下旬~4月上旬 |
Mid- to Late September 9月中~下旬 |
Early April 4月上旬 |
Late September 9月下旬 |
Master of Arts in Comparative Political Studies
Course Titles 科目名 |
Credits 単位 |
Total 合計 |
Introduction to Japanese Politics | 2 | 30 Credits 30単位 |
Introduction to Japanese Law | 2 | ||
International Relations Theory in the Asia-Pacific Region | 2 | ||
Political Economy in the Asia-Pacific Region | 2 | ||
Elective Courses 選択科目 |
8 or more 8単位以上 |
Master's Thesis Tuition 論文指導 |
4 | ||
Master's Thesis 修士論文 |
N/A | ||
Transfer Credits from Partner Institution※ 協定大学で修得した単位の認定※ |
Up to 10 最大10単位 |
※Optional and Separate Application Required/任意および要別途申請
Master of Laws
Course Titles 科目名 |
Credits 単位 |
Total 合計 |
Research and Writing | 2 | 30 Credits 30単位 |
Global Subjects, Private Law Subjects or Public Law Subjects グローバル科目、私法学基幹科目、または公法学基幹科目 |
4 or more 4単位以上 |
Elective Courses 選択科目 |
10 or more 10単位以上 |
Master's Thesis Tuition 論文指導 |
4 | ||
Master's Thesis 修士論文 |
N/A | ||
Transfer Credits from Partner Institution※ 協定大学で修得した単位の認定※ |
Up to 10 最大10単位 |
※Optional and Separate Application Required/任意および要別途申請
Course List/科目一覧
Graduate School of Law Courses (Eng ver.)/法学研究科科目(英語版)
- Political Science Course List (Master's Level)
- Private Law Course List (Master's Level)
- Public Law Course List (Master's Level)
Graduate School of Law Courses (JPN ver.)/法学研究科科目(日本語版)
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The list of courses offered for the new academic year from April will be released every mid-March./新年度提供科目(4月~)は毎年3月中旬に公開されます。
Program Structure/学期構成
For Students from University of Zurich, Thammasat University and University of Leeds
Year 学年 |
Semester 学期 |
Class Period 授業期間 |
Place of Study 在学大学 |
Year 1 1年次 |
1 | Fall 秋学期 |
Home University 派遣元大学 |
2 | Spring 春学期 |
Year 2 2年次 |
3 | Fall (Sep to Feb) 秋学期(9月-2月) |
Doshisha University 同志社大学 |
4 | Spring (Apr to Aug) 春学期(4月-8月) |
Degree Conferment from Doshisha University 同志社大学学位取得 |
Late September 9月下旬 |
For Students from Renmin University of China, Soochow University and China University of Political Science and Law (3-year program)
Year 学年 |
Semester 学期 |
Class Period 授業期間 |
Place of Study 在学大学 |
Year 1 1年次 |
1 | Fall 秋学期 |
Home University 派遣元大学 |
2 | Spring 春学期 |
Year 2 2年次 |
3 | Fall (Sep to Feb) 秋学期(9月-2月) |
Doshisha University 同志社大学 |
4 | Spring (Apr to Aug) 春学期(4月-8月) |
Year 3 3年次 |
5 | Fall 秋学期 |
Home University 派遣元大学 |
6 | Spring 春学期 |
Degree Conferment from Doshisha University 同志社大学学位取得 |
Late September 9月下旬 |
For Students from China University of Political Science and Law (2-year program)
Year 学年 |
Semester 学期 |
Class Period 授業期間 |
Place of Study 在学大学 |
Year 1 1年次 |
1 | Fall 秋学期 |
Home University 派遣元大学 |
2 | Spring (Apr to Aug) 春学期(4月-8月) |
Doshisha University 同志社大学 |
Year 2 2年次 |
3 | Fall (Sep to Feb) 秋学期(9月-2月) |
4 | Spring 春学期 |
Home University 派遣元大学 |
Degree Conferment from Doshisha University 同志社大学学位取得 |
Late September 9月下旬 |
Master's Thesis/修士論文
Master's Thesis Schedule/論文スケジュール
Spring Entry 春来日 |
Events イベント |
Fall Entry 秋来日 |
January 1月 |
July 7月 |
Mid-March 3月中旬 |
Mid-September 9月中旬 |
Late April 4月下旬 |
Early October 10月上旬 |
Mid-December 12月中旬 |
Mid-December※2 12月中旬※2 |
April to May 4月~5月 |
April to May※2 4月~5月※2 |
Late June 6月下旬 |
Late June※2 6月下旬※2 |
Early July 7月上旬 |
Early July※2 7月上旬※2 |
Mid July 7月中旬 |
Mid-July※2 7月中旬※2 |
Late July 7月下旬 |
Late July※2 7月下旬※2 |
Early September 9月上旬 |
Early September※2 9月上旬※2 |
※1 Optional/任意 ※2 At the same time next year for 3-year program students/3年コース生は翌年の同時期
Master's Thesis Submission Instruction/修士論文提出要領
Submission Deadline/提出締切
Spring Semester Submission 春学期提出 |
11:30 a.m., July 7, 2025 (With No Exception/厳守) |
Fall Semester Submission 秋学期提出 |
11:30 a.m., January 19, 2026 (With No Exception/厳守) |
Method of Submission/提出書類
In-Person Submission at the Office/窓口提出
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All students, except for those from Renmin University of China, Soochow University, and China University of Political Science and Law, must submit their thesis and accompanying documents in person.
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For detailed information, please refer to the "Academic Dissertation" section of the Curriculum Handbook (English version).
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詳細は英語版履修の手引き内、"Academic Dissertation"パートを参照してください。
Submission by Postal Mail/郵送提出
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This option is available only to students from Renmin University of China, Soochow University, and China University of Political Science and Law.
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For detailed information, please refer to the "Academic Dissertation" section of the Curriculum Handbook (English version).
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詳細は英語版履修の手引き内、"Academic Dissertation"パートを参照してください。
Credit Transfer/単位認定
Instructions for the credit transfer application process will be provided in early June (for spring entry) or early November (for fall entry) after your arrival in Japan. Applying for credit transfer is optional. Students who wish to apply must prepare the required documents, including their latest academic transcript from their home university, and submit their application by the specified deadline.
Please note that credit conversion rates are set for each partner university.
Exchange Program/単位互換プログラム
Before Your Arrival in Japan/来日・授業開始前
Spring Entry 春来日 |
Events イベント |
Fall Entry 秋来日 |
By September 30 9月30日までに |
By February 28 2月28日までに |
October 15 10月15日 |
March 15 3月15日 |
Mid November 11月中旬 |
Late April 4月下旬 |
Late December 12月下旬 |
June 6月 |
February 2月 |
July 7月 |
Early March 3月上旬 |
Late August 8月下旬 |
Mid March 3月中旬 |
Mid September 9月中旬 |
Late March to Early April 3月下旬~4月上旬 |
Mid to Late September 9月中~下旬 |
Early April 4月上旬 |
Late September 9月下旬 |
Course List/科目一覧
Master Courses/前期課程科目
Graduate School of Law Courses (ENG ver.)/法学研究科科目(英語版)
- Political Science Course List (Master's Level)
- Private Law Course List (Master's Level)
- Public Law Course List (Master's Level)
Graduate School of Law Courses (JPN ver.)/法学研究科科目(日本語版)
Undergraduate Courses/学部課程
Faculty of Law Courses (ENG ver.)/法学部科目(英語版)
Faculty Course List (Undergradauate Level)
Faculty of Law Courses (JPN ver.)/法学部科目(日本語版)
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The list of courses offered for the new academic year from April will be released every mid-March./新年度提供科目(4月~)は毎年3月中旬に公開されます。